If this year you’re feeling quite blue
And your patience is all but worn through
If your children are restive
Or your nose is congestive
And you wish that the old year was new
May you love Jesus despite all the poo
And remember his rescue is true
Though your mood be depressive
And not nearly festive
I wish love and good things for you.
I’m thinking of all those for whom Christmas is an imperfect time, bringing shadows of grief and regret as well as the light of hope. I’m giving you all a virtual hug. I’m so grateful for everyone in this blog community, and for all your messages and comments. I’m wishing you a Merry Happy Love-filled Christmas!
Thank you, Tanya. Your poem made me smile today, when I was feeling very blue and weak and alone after a bout of flu.
Lots of blessings to you and your family during this dull, grey winter season.
And keep writing.
Karen FS
So sorry for my delay in replying. I’m so glad to have made you smile 🙂
That’s fine, Tanya. I think you are amazing. Considering how ill you are you seem to be able to write so much good stuff.
I too have ME, but not so severely as yourself. I know God wants me to write and take it far more seriously, but I keep procrastinating. You are a really good example to me that it can be done, even if my brain at times feels completely scrambled.
Karen FS
Well blessed am I for truth be told
My Christmas is all red and gold!
I tell you this to raise your eye,
I have no wish to make you cry
My Lord has lately brought me through
A valley of the darkest hue
Blinking in the sunshine bright
All it seems so very light
Though your valley be dark and long
Listen to my joyful song
The same Lord who lifted me
Will your shield and portion be
There is no horror you pass through
But He suffered like it too
His suffering was not in vain
But paved the way to vanquish pain
Come dear sister, look to Him
Maybe you will feel less grim
And some day when for prison bars
I just cannot see the stars
You can take my hand and say,
Follow Him, He is the Way
So sorry for my delay in replying. This is such an awesome poem! Did you just make it up? That’s amazing! Thanks so much 🙂
Thank you! I had just got out of hospital after being treated for a nasty bug with iv antibiotics and the combination of feeling so much better than I had done for absolutely ages and being so sleep deprived I was a bit hyper did absolute wonderrs for my powers of creativity! The words just flowed out but I’m afraid that tap has dried up…..
With all good wishes for you and yours. Enjoy your Christmas dayxx
So sorry for my delay in replying. Best wishes to you, too!
Merry Christmas to you, too, Tanya!
So sorry for my delay in replying. Hope you had a good Christmas, too!