Tag Archives | Bible

Greta, Goliath and foolishness

But where we see challenges to the will and heart of God – where children are being locked up in cages and separated from their families, where the stranger isn’t welcomed, where those on low incomes, disabled and elderly people are oppressed and degraded, where the earth is exploited instead of treasured – then may we too have the courage of David, the foolishness of the small in challenging the big,

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A Season for Crying

Grief does not work to our timetable. Grief comes in waves and bursts. There is a season for laughter, but there are also seasons for crying, and everything in its season.

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Can you still be a Christian if you don’t go to church?

We’re always taught from the Bible that it’s essential to be part of church. But what if you can’t go to services? Does that mean you’re still part of church, or even a Christian?

If you can go to church without problems, how should you respond to those who are at home?

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LICC – Finding Hope in Notre Dame

My NEW article for The London Institute Of Contemporary Christianity is for all those who are grieving or unsettled, and all those who have lost things that should always have remained.

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The God Who Searches #fiveminutefriday

“But we need to go NOW!”
“But I NEED TO FIND IT – it’s my favourite!”
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the minute you want to go out for a date your favourite bag, scarf or coat will curiously have gone missing.

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