Tag Archives | chronic illness

Finding Contentment in Chronic Illness – Liz Carter

“We find contentment when we look to Jesus within our pain rather than waiting for the pain to go. Laying out our suffering before God and others – and refusing to let bitterness become our script – allows us to reach further into the depths of God and find unexpected treasure.
If contentment seems elusive to you, remember that God’s love is far bigger, far wider than we can know…” – Liz Carter

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Tools and Treasures #fiveminutefriday

The origin of the word ‘provide’ gives us a different perspective on the word – before-seeing, or foresight. The God who provides is the God who sees ahead. We couldn’t anticipate our circumstances, nor what we would need. Alongside our scrabbling around to get the help we needed, we also found unexpected supplies to help us on the way. 

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