Tag Archives | grace

When we were on fire (a review)

This is a book for the lonely, for the cynic, for the weary and burnt-out Christian. When We Were on Fire is a memoir about Addie Zierman’s spiritual journey from being ‘on fire’ to becoming burnt out, and the subsequent restoration of her faith and identity.

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A few good men: Integrity and Ruth 3

Today I am angry. I am angry at the politicians who are meant to look after the most vulnerable in society who are taking money away from them and giving it to the super-rich. This is nothing new, but everything in me screams, ‘This should not be.‘ When I rant this at him, my husband […]

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Suffering as teacher {guest post}

Diana Trautwein is the blogosphere’s spiritual grandmother, with a vast amount of ministry and life experience. Every interaction with her feels like I’m sitting down in front of a warm fire, eating tea and muffins. It’s a pleasure to have her here today: I was 52 years old when I started my first paid pastoral […]

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whispered words in an emptier sky {guest post}

Guy Delcambre has a rare gift with words. His wife died suddenly in 2010, leaving him as single parent to their three children. He manages to squeeze out grace from grief and drops it onto the page. It is a privilege to have him share his story today:     A long time ago in […]

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Anyway: or Confessions of a recovering perfectionist

If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing badly. Sitting on a leather sofa, sipping water and wiping tears, I presented her with my angsty questions. I looked at her proper grown-up mantel piece and knew that I was supposed to be grown up by now, in my mid-twenties. She pulled her fingers through her hair, […]

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Finding Freedom in a Demolished House of Faith {guest post}

Genevieve Thul  has had one health battle after another, both with herself and her children. I mentioned one of these battles in a former five-minute-Friday post. I love her commitment to seeking God in the midst of pain. This is her God and Suffering story: Pain is a lost emotion in the sea of verses […]

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The weight of fear {guest post}

I heard Emily Wierenga’s voice for the first time a while ago, on a youtube video, and I smiled, because it so perfectly matches her blog. She speaks softly and gently so you need to lean in close; it is full of sweetness and sparkles with the kind of joy that has been hard-won. I […]

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