But where we see challenges to the will and heart of God – where children are being locked up in cages and separated from their families, where the stranger isn’t welcomed, where those on low incomes, disabled and elderly people are oppressed and degraded, where the earth is exploited instead of treasured – then may we too have the courage of David, the foolishness of the small in challenging the big,
Tag Archives | justice

Human Rights Abuses in the UK (Crippled by Frances Ryan)
Frances Ryan’s impeccably researched book echoes the UN’s findings that the UK’s austerity politics have been breaching human rights agreements for disabled people. In every area of essentials – housing, health, social care, jobs, representation, money – disabled people’s access and rights have been systematically pushed back,

#MEdebate Parliamentary debate on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, January 2019
The summary and highlights of the historic ME Debate in Westminster Parliament, secured by Carol Monaghan. Plus two interviews by me for TWR and Premier Christianity radio about the debate – why should Christians care about ME?

Kingdoms of Sand
As King Canute learned, you cannot withstand the power of the sea. Neither can you stop the will of God.

When to Speak
Speak, when all you want to do is close your eyes and hope it goes away.
Conversely, hand your beloved microphone to someone who wasn’t invited to the front.

ME / CFS Factsheet to Share – NICE is Not Nice to ME
ME patients in the UK have been waiting for ten years for the NICE Guidelines to be updated to reflect current science, and stop the only recommendations for treatment being Graded Exercise Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Blessed Are the Overdramatic (She Loves)
Blessed are the overdramatic – for so were all the prophets of God. Blessed are the oversensitive, the overwhelmed, for your lament is a holy work

For Every Wannabe Missionary (Assimilate or Go Home)
To be drawn towards a people group or country doesn’t mean you swoop in to fix their problems, or try and make them assimilate to your culture, but to listen and adapt yourself to their culture. It is to open your eyes to the weaknesses and arrogance of your own culture, and to change not the people but yourself. True mission is not so much about giving as learning to receive; not so much about speaking as listening.