It is easy enough to dismiss a child’s fears about monsters under the bed, but what about when the monsters are real, and hold guns? How do you respond as a Christian?
Tag Archives | trust
Perseverance Without Perception
I’ve recently notched up my 10th anniversary – but forget the champagne corks. There was nothing whatsoever to celebrate, either by me or those closest to me. That’s because this summer saw ten years of living with what Churchill called the black dog.
Last-minute God {Ruth 1 part 2}
With all the action in the first chapter of Ruth – the deaths and disasters and beautiful friendship of Ruth and Naomi – this is a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ verse: “The Lord had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them.” (Ruth 1:6) I stare at that one sentence, […]
Stomping back to the promised land {Ruth 1}
I am itching to dig a little into the Bible. I want to hear the whisper of God in the words and lives of Bible characters. Over the next few weeks I will be doing a series on the book of Ruth, to look again at the story breathed out by God and let it […]
Is faith all about the black and white?
“I have thanked God for my situation, I have raged at Him, I have pleaded with Him, I have refused to speak to Him. There are times where I feel contentment, and other times where I feel an unbearable sadness. There are times where I know the closeness of His spirit, and other times […]
“Cursed is the strong one who depends on mere humans, Who thinks he can make it on muscle alone and sets God aside as dead weight. He’s like a tumbleweed on the prairie, out of touch with the good earth. He lives rootless and aimless in a land where nothing grows. “But blessed is the […]
I am because He is {guest post}
Here it is! – the first guest post telling their story of God and Suffering. This week’s post is from the lovely Natalie Collins, who works with Restored to end violence against women. I am always inspired by her passion and honesty. Here is her story. As I shared the story of my […]
Here she is. Send her.
I was in a church service, worshipping God. The preacher stopped, and said, ‘there are some here whom God is calling to mission. If you think that’s you, then come to the front.’ My spirit leapt within me as soon as I heard those words, my heart bursting with love for God and a desire […]