The Most Dangerous Thing a Woman Can Do

I’ve been following She Loves Magazine extra closely this month, because their Dangerous Women series has been knocking it out of the park. And I’m thrilled to announce that I also have a post this month for their Dangerous Women series – called I am Tanya Marlow, Armed with Tears. This one goes out to anyone who’s ever been ashamed of their emotions, anyone who’s felt vulnerable for crying in a public space. Won’t you come with me and say hi?


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4 Responses to The Most Dangerous Thing a Woman Can Do

  1. lulu 2nd April, 2015 at 5:51 pm #

    OK i will try that. Sounds like an interesting book must find it.

  2. lulu 27th March, 2015 at 4:09 pm #

    I’ve always been the person who’s held it together in my house. I’m good at controlling emotions usually(or burying them). Then last August I spent 2 weeks where I would go to my room and cry for an hour cause I couldn’t deal with the amount of emotional pain I was feeling. I felt pathetic. I still do when I cry.I used to be strong and now I’m not. The last few weeks I’ve been doing really well. I’ve been sleeping and eating and I’ve been happy and now I find myself going rapidly down hill. I’m not eating or sleeping and I feel a complete withdrawal from life. I want to get better and just when I think I am I get dramatically worse.

    • Tanya 2nd April, 2015 at 3:29 pm #

      Hey girl – so sorry to hear your discouragement. I know that it can feel really panicky when you’re getting worse and you don’t know why. At the same time, though, I was interested in your use of adjectives to describe your emotional experiences ‘I used to be strong, and now I’m not’. I think it can be unhelpful to think of ourselves as happy=strong, crying=weak. I remember a great book called ‘Depressive Illness, curse of the strong’ by Tim Cantopher, explaining that all too often depressive illness happens to people who haven’t stopped, the people who’ve held it all together for so long.
      Rather than just trying to avoid the crying (which, like vomiting, we all do try to avoid), can you enter into it, embrace it, ask it what it is teaching you? Sending you a whole lot of kindred spirit- love.

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