Tag Archives | creativity

When Your Body Prophesies to You

Our bodies prophesy to us before our mind registers their truth. Perhaps the ache in our shoulders tells us to take a rest, the migraines tell us we need to accept God’s love, the stomach pains are linked to a grudge we still bear.

Sometimes God can speak through hair.

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How to Find Your Muse

I believe that I have a muse, and that she lives in the shower.
I fear that what I have just written may put me firmly in the category of those who are utterly insane, or those who are arrogant enough to believe the world should be hanging on their every word. Or – more simply – ‘writer’, which is a combination of the two.

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Let Us Play

I am exploring what it means to have a theology of play… I am catching some of that excitement of what it means to enter into the story. Play is a rebellion, but not against God, against my perfectionist and control-freak tendencies.

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A blackbird’s song is beautiful, even though it doesn’t have a particular purpose, and beauty gives glory to God. All the best artists and writers said they did art for its own sake

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I find it hard to know when it’s ‘resting’ and when it’s ‘resistance’.

I find it hard to know when to know if I’m feeling lethargic because the demons are whispering that I have nothing to share with the world, or if I’m feeing lethargic because my body is whispering that it needs longer to recover.

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Packing Light {Interview with Allison Vesterfelt}

I’m very excited to be hosting an interview with Allison Vesterfelt, author of Packing Light, (which I reviewed here). She writes about the cost of following your dreams, and she is a lovely person to accompany you on any sort of journey. We have one copy of Packing Light to give away for FREE. Just […]

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Listening Closely {Christianity and Creativity series}

John Blase is a rarity on the Internet: a thoughtful, Christian poet. I was introduced to him via his Advent meditation book, Touching Wonder, which retells the Christmas story vividly through the eyes of the various personae. (In a non-cheesy way). It should definitely be on your Advent wishlist. It is an honour to have […]

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