Tag Archives | love


Telling the Old, Old Stories – in marriage and faith

This is what we do when we’re first in love – we gush about the stories of our love and make long lists of what we love about our beloved.

And when that love has gone on for many years – still, we tell the stories of our love.

We tell our love stories to remember our history, the path we forged alongside one another, the foundations and pillars that hold us together. 

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God as Support (Five Minute Friday #FMF)

I was once at a confirmation service where the former Bishop of Exeter, Michael Langrish, gave an excellent sermon, using a ladder as an illustration. My memory of it is a little dim now, so I’ll be forgetting the nuances of his point, but in any case the image of a ladder has remained in my mind.

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For Every Wannabe Missionary (Assimilate or Go Home)

To be drawn towards a people group or country doesn’t mean you swoop in to fix their problems, or try and make them assimilate to your culture, but to listen and adapt yourself to their culture. It is to open your eyes to the weaknesses and arrogance of your own culture, and to change not the people but yourself. True mission is not so much about giving as learning to receive; not so much about speaking as listening.

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In sickness and in health

We don’t just need spouses who love well, though we certainly need those. The world needs churches who love—in sickness and in health.

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Poem for a Blue Christmas

If this year you’re feeling quite blue
And your patience is all but worn through
If your children are restive
Or your nose is congestive
And you wish that the old year was new

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On terrorism, fear and love #parisattacks #prayforworld

It is a natural response to want to creep back into the safety of our tribes, to draw lines about what makes us ‘us’, and them ‘them’, but it is not the way of love. Love crosses boundaries and borders; it dares to stare people in the eye and love them for their personhood, their humanity.
God is love, through and through – daring, defiant, powerful love. God calls us to love others in the way that God alone loves: seeing them truly, loving them entirely.

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