Tag Archives | society

Human Rights Abuses in the UK (Crippled by Frances Ryan)

Frances Ryan’s impeccably researched book echoes the UN’s findings that the UK’s austerity politics have been breaching human rights agreements for disabled people. In every area of essentials – housing, health, social care, jobs, representation, money – disabled people’s access and rights have been systematically pushed back,

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For Every Wannabe Missionary (Assimilate or Go Home)

To be drawn towards a people group or country doesn’t mean you swoop in to fix their problems, or try and make them assimilate to your culture, but to listen and adapt yourself to their culture. It is to open your eyes to the weaknesses and arrogance of your own culture, and to change not the people but yourself. True mission is not so much about giving as learning to receive; not so much about speaking as listening.

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Kick Up, Not Down

If we feel a lack of power, we take it out on those who have even less power than us. We kick down, not up. If our boss yells at us, we get cranky with our children.

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Permission to Fail

Whenever you feel a burning desperation to change the world, my advice to you is to get sleep-deprived and weak. Be so weak that you know your dream is impossible, and you will probably fail. Be okay with that. Turn off the logic and the fear, and give yourself permission to fail.
Something is better than nothing. Do that something.

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An open letter to compassionate conservative-voters

I’m taking a deep breath here. I have a guest post going up at Archbishop Cranmer’s blog today (the blog is well-known and respected for representing God and Politics, Christianity and Conservatism). I’m well out of my comfort zone – I’m making an important point, and a very exciting announcement.

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