How do we deal with fear in these times? What can help navigate the understandable fear we have without it descending into crippling anxiety?
Tag Archives | fear
Strange Comfort in Dark Times (Mudroom)
Sometimes we look at the world, and all we see is darkness, and we’re not quite sure of our footing anymore… After the lament, where do we go? How do we continue to walk when all we see is darkness ahead? And where – WHERE – is God in all this darkness? Where’s the comfort?
My child is scared – what do I say? (for Cindy Brandt)
It is easy enough to dismiss a child’s fears about monsters under the bed, but what about when the monsters are real, and hold guns? How do you respond as a Christian?
On terrorism, fear and love #parisattacks #prayforworld
It is a natural response to want to creep back into the safety of our tribes, to draw lines about what makes us ‘us’, and them ‘them’, but it is not the way of love. Love crosses boundaries and borders; it dares to stare people in the eye and love them for their personhood, their humanity.
God is love, through and through – daring, defiant, powerful love. God calls us to love others in the way that God alone loves: seeing them truly, loving them entirely.
Permission to Fail
Whenever you feel a burning desperation to change the world, my advice to you is to get sleep-deprived and weak. Be so weak that you know your dream is impossible, and you will probably fail. Be okay with that. Turn off the logic and the fear, and give yourself permission to fail.
Something is better than nothing. Do that something.
Walking Beside Death – Shawn Smucker
living in such close proximity to death had marked me. I woke up at night, sensing its heavy breathing on the back of my neck. I saw it everywhere I went: its inevitability, its steady, onward march. It will eventually take everyone I love. It will eventually take me. I paced the house. I felt anxious and afraid.
I am tired (an M.E. update)
I don’t know where to start, so perhaps I shall say this: every single attempt to get the NHS to treat me for my M.E. feels like a battle.
Disconnect to reconnect
People often ask me how I can stand it as an extrovert – being housebound and unable to see friends very much. One answer is that I just have to – so that’s how I stand it. But another answer is ‘the Internet’. I started blogging when my brain energy was just good enough […]