I was in a church service, worshipping God. The preacher stopped, and said, ‘there are some here whom God is calling to mission. If you think that’s you, then come to the front.’ My spirit leapt within me as soon as I heard those words, my heart bursting with love for God and a desire […]
Tag Archives | motherhood
Living in the in-between
12th April, 2012 15
One morning, a few weeks ago, I started writing a blog post. I wrote it using my iPad, but decided to draft it in an email so it would be easier to edit. I spent an hour lovingly tapping out a thousand words. I edited, tweaked, smiled. I could feel my brain slowing down […]
Flowers and Tears and Mothers’ Day
21st March, 2012 31
It was Saturday, the evening before Mothering Sunday and I was chatting to my husband as we ate dinner. We were discussing the Mothers’ Day tradition of handing out posies of flowers to all women at church. “I really don’t think it’s a good idea,” I explained. “I worry that the positives about giving flowers […]