Tag Archives | personality

On becoming an honorary introvert

I have a confession: I am an extravert. Let me paint you a picture of a typical dinner with friends at our house. My introvert husband gets the dinner ready. I say, ‘Now, don’t just stay silent the whole time like you usually do, you need to make an effort.’ Jon reluctantly acquiesces. Then the […]

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Introverts, extraverts, and why Twitter is like Narnia

Introverts vs. Extraverts Qu: How many introverts does it take to change a lightbulb?Ans: None. Having the lights on just makes more people come and visit. Introverts get creative energy from time alone whereas extraverts get energy from time spent with others.Susan Cain’s [pictured above] excellent TED talk on introverts has been downloaded almost three million […]

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Lady in red: On art and being difficult

It’s ‘Five minute Friday’ time, joining with Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us 1 word, we write for 5 minutes flat – no backtracking or editing, throwing caution to the wind. Check out others’ five-minute offerings by clicking on the button below. This is my best five minutes on ‘Beyond’. Sometimes I get a bit paranoid […]

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