This is an ‘in case you missed it’ blog post. I’ve been in two places, talking about two of my favourite things.
“Vocation, Calling-with-a-Capital-C, is in part the luxury of relatively rich Westerners. Not many in this life are able to do full-time that thing that makes their soul sing. There, in the back bedroom, looking at a beige wall, I found a different kind of calling—one without a capital C.”
I’m at the Mudroom talking about How to Discover Your Calling – and what it looks like when life conspires to end your dream job. Won’t you click and come on over with me?
I’m also at 30 Seconds or Less. Jim Kast-Keat is doing a brilliant project – working through all 66 books of the Bible in Lent, with a minute’s worth of thought-provoking video on each one. I’m thoroughly enjoying the series, which has a real mixture of voices and theologies, and even if I don’t quite agree with some, it stirs me to think more deeply.
- “Ruth was the devout outsider, Naomi the rebellious insider” – which are you? Check out my 30 second summary of the book of Ruth: Secret Hero
- “God loves grumpy and bitter Christians”- does this surprise you? Check out my 30 second summary of the good news of Ruth: Patron Saint of the Grumpy
The series includes Rob Bell, Brian McLaren and others. I especially enjoyed Adam Lorenz on Numbers – and Amy Young, Tara Owens and Jon Marlow (my husband!) are coming up in future episodes. Check out the whole series here.
Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day! Rather than a mushy love poem, here is a sonnet by Malcolm Guite celebrating Saint Valentine.
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