Pregnant with Heaven (She Loves)

This is what it means to be a Christian. We don’t freeze our lives as we wait for Christ, as though we must hold our breath until either we die or Christ comes again. There is good to be done in this world, and God’s good gifts to enjoy. And as we enjoy our lives, Christ is still being formed within us. Sometimes we live our lives almost forgetting about Christ. Other times we can feel a quickening in our spirit, as a pregnant woman feels the fluttering of a baby’s first kicks, and we long for a glimpse of heaven.

I’m getting my theology on today, over at She Loves, on how pregnancy totally changed my belief about Christ’s return – won’t you come with me and read more? 


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One Response to Pregnant with Heaven (She Loves)

  1. Cathy 14th November, 2017 at 1:18 am #

    Loved the last three and have been meaning to comment, but frankly, I’ve been in “the wilderness.” Hope you know how much you minister to those of us without a formal church home, whatever the reason. Blessings xo

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