Tag Archives | Worship

The Famous Woman You’ve Never Heard of (for Mudroom)

This month The Mudroom is exploring the lives of forgotten women, history-changers who may not have made it into most of our history books. I’ve loved learning a bit more about amazing women of God who’ve changed lives in the past.
Today I’m writing about one of my favourites

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God in the bushes {guest post}

I left the church with its high walls and holy curtains. And the steps away are hard. I do not want to leave the home I have known. I do not want to be in the wilderness.

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Learning to play {Christianity and Creativity series}

Alice Buckley is one of those souls whose words are filled with light and Jesus, even when she doesn’t seem to know it. She writes on how she teaches the Bible creatively to kids, including disabled children. I am privileged to count her as a dear friend, and she has wise words to say on […]

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My flute: a love story

“I don’t know – maybe I should call my flute teacher, the one who teaches me,” said my flute teacher to my mother. “It could be that she’s taking a little longer to get the knack of the tone because she hasn’t got the right shaped mouth. Some people don’t.”   I stood in my […]

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Worship first, then wrestle

Have you ever looked at a Christian who has undergone great suffering and wondered how they can still remain so positive and joyful in God? ********* Last year two of my friends were expecting their first baby. They were excited and scared, like any first-time parents. There were no indications in the pregnancy that anything […]

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