Radio 4 – Something Understood (with John McCarthy)

I’m honoured to be on ‘In the world but not of the world’ programme today as part of the Something Understood series. It was broadcast today at 06:05 BST on BBC Radio 4, and will be repeated tonight at 23:30. The whole 30 minute program is fascinating, taking the phrase ‘in the world but not of the world’, and exploring what it means to be in some way disconnected from society. John McCarthy shares his perspective too, as someone who was formerly held captive.

It is up on iPlayer, and if you just want my section you can scroll to 5:08 ish and listen there (my section is 5 minutes long). Something Understood- In the World but not of the World – on BBC Radio 4 iPlayer (available till 22 June)

UPDATE JULY 2014: The wonderful James of JPC Design has been assisting me with his website geekery so you can listen online.

If you missed the show, you can hear my section here. 

And you can hear the full programme here. 

Happy listening!


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20 Responses to Radio 4 – Something Understood (with John McCarthy)

  1. Nasim Marie Jafry 29th June, 2014 at 10:41 am #

    Tanya, Am sorry I missed this broadcast, would love to have heard you on Radio 4. I guess there is no podcast? Annoyed that iplayer session has expired. Would have been interested to hear John McCarthy too. X

    • Tanya 4th July, 2014 at 1:12 pm #

      Thanks so much for visiting, lovely lady! Thanks for asking about this. I’ve been consulting with my technical guru, and it is now available for your listening pleasure. 🙂


  1. What I'm Into (June 2014) | - 4th July, 2014

    […] also ate strawberries, watched tennis, rested, and went on national radio. June was a pretty full month, all in all (apologies for the length of this blog post!) See you next […]

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